Just like in other sports, betting on the moneyline is betting on who will win a fight. For example, if the moneyline has Fighter A at +150 and Fighter B at -170, Fighter B is favored to win and you would need to bet $170 just to win $100. If you place a $100 bet on Fighter A and they win the fight, you would win $150.
Betting on an underdog can provide significant winnings if they manage to win a fight.
Total rounds are over/under bets that are based on the number of rounds the fight will last before a winner is declared. If the bookmaker sets the number of rounds at 2.5 and -140 and the fight lasts 3 rounds, you’d win $100 if you bet $140 on over. Fights can also end in the middle of a round, so whether or not a fight that ends in Round 3 would be over 2.5 or under 2.5 is dependent on how far into the round the fight gets. If the round is less than halfway complete (1.5 minutes out of 3), under bets would win, and if the round is more than halfway complete, over bets would win.
One bet type unique to MMA fights are bets on how the victor will win the fight. In MMA, there are three victory conditions: knockout, submission, and judge’s decision (points). For a decision bet, you don’t need to predict which fighter will win, just that the fight will be decided based on points. For a knockout or submission win method bet, you would be choosing both the fighter and the outcome.
A parlay bet is placing a bet on multiple fight outcomes to occur and requires all outcomes to be selected correctly to win. For example, if you parlay $100 on Fighter and Fighter B both winning their fights, you’ll need both fighters to be victorious to win the parlay bet. Parlays are a riskier MMA betting type, given that you need to be correct on each outcome in the entire bet, but they offer greater rewards.
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